Chairman's Report - September 27th, 2013

In this issue: Obama's support of "good" terrorists breeds more terror / Muslim Americans were among terrorist attacking mall in Kenya / Muslim bombing of church in Pakistan so brutal not even the American media could ignore it / American accused of helping al-Qaeda linked group cut loose by Obama's DOJ / 8-year-old child bride raped to death on "wedding night" by Muslim husband / Tennessee high school studetns taken to mosque, given Korans

Washington Report- September 20th, 2013

In this issue: Obama's rebels not "palatable" / Obama FBI continues to work with CAIR / Finally! An investigation of Planned Parenthood / Congressman remembers Constitution Day / Court rules in favor of National Motto / School trips to mosques, but not to churches / Attacks on Christians worldwide / Turkey: Renowned pianist jailed for blasphemy / Tanzania: Muslims throw acid on priest / Pakistan: Christians flee Islamic terror

Washington Report- September 13th, 2013

In this issue: Obama backs down / Anti-Semite appointed to religious freedom body / No White House comment on Syria joining weapons ban / Congressman speaks at Benghazi rally / Congressmen stand for our "First Freedom" / "Million" Muslim march on 9-11 / Syria: video of street battle raging in a Christian village / Philippines: "Rebels" take Christian town / Syria: U.S. military admits rebels had Sarin gas / Morocco: Another Christian jailed for faith

Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus defend the "first freedom"

Constitution Day, September 17, marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. In honor of this remembrance on September 9th Members spoke during a special order on Religious Freedom. “Religious freedom is the very first thing named in the First Amendment,” said Congressman Forbes. “It is our First Freedom, and it is a fundamental human right"

Allen West & William J. Murray At Justice For Benghazi Rally – 9/11

Former Congressman Allen West (R-FL) spoke at a Justice for Benghazi Rally on the first anniversary of the attacks on our diplomatic facility in Libya and the 12th anniversary of the attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. by Islamic terrorists.

Million Muslim March Fizzles – Patriotic Bikers Storm D.C.

William J. Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition was on the Washington Mall today to report on the so-called Million Muslim March Against Fear – and found no Muslims in sight.

Remembering September 11th, 2001

I was on I-395 approaching the 14th Street bridge at the moment Islamic terrorists flew hijacked American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon. At the time I was literally on the phone with an assistant to President Bush talking about the jihad attack in New York City. I had been headed to a press conference in support of the Sudan Peace Act that the White House opposed. The Sudan Peace Act would have punished the Islamic Sudanese government economically for the continued persecution and mass murder of Christians in the South Sudan.
Anti-War demonstration in front of White House not covered by CNN or Fox

Chairman's Report - September 6th, 2013

In this issue by William J Murray: The unbelievable lies to justify war on Syria / Kerry claims 2003 Iraq photo is proof of Syria chemical weapons / Democracy and Freedom are not synonymous / Egyptian Style Democracy for America? / Radical GOP Senate Standoff
Anti-War demonstration in front of White House not covered by CNN or Fox

Washington Report- September 6th, 2013

In this issue: Obama "White Paper" questioned / Murray exposes flawed Obama position / Obama praise for jihadist group / Voters overwhelmingly against Syria strikes / Sen. Rand Paul on Syria / September 11 and the Gates of Vienna / New attack on "under God" in the Pledge / Morocco: Jailed for having Christian literature / Iran: new anti-Christian crusade / Syria: Al-Qaeda awaits help from USA / Iraq: 14 car bombs in just one day

Becket Fund Defends Pledge Of Allegiance In Massachusetts

UPDATED: After three failed attempts to strike down “under God” on the federal level, atheist advocates now seek to challenge it on the state level in Acton-Boxborough, Massachusetts. On October 21, 2011, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed a request to intervene in the case on behalf of students who want to continue saying the Pledge of Allegiance, their parents, and the Knights of Columbus. The Becket Fund entered the case to defend the Pledge from yet another constitutional challenge to the words “under God”.