China today and human rights

William J. Murray on China at a Capitol religious freedom rally: "Bentleys and Buicks are everywhere on the overcrowded roads, and the trains and planes are full of the Middle Class and wealthy Chinese enjoying the newly obtained trophies of their labors. Among the people there is no concern for those who fall through the cracks in the society, either economically or socially. China is a model of America without a soul."

Washington Report- July 12th, 2013

In this issue: Obama's army without a soul / Obama refuses to list Boko Haram as terrorists / President Jimmy Carter attacks Baptists / An active Prayer Caucus / No tax dollars for jihadists / A Saudi slave escapes in California / CAIR attacks Florida professor / Egypt: Muslims murder more Christians / Syria: Massacre at Christian village / Iraq: How the U.S. "fixed" Iraq / Pakistan: Police torture and kill Christian boy / China: William Murray op-ed at WND

Congressional Prayer Caucus stands for God and Country

Contrary to popular belief there are many godly men in Congress and many of them, both Democrats and Republicans, are members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. This group of more than 100 congressmen just do more than pray together each week, they take action. The issues the Prayer Caucus is involved in support the social fabric of our nation.

Washington Report - July 5th, 2013

In this issue: Obama's man in Egypt tossed out / Obama's proxy war on Christians / Senator Cruz: don't arm Syrian terrorists / Islamic terrorists who wish to kill us / No tax dollars for jihadists / Christian hater has influence with Pentagon / Syria: Towns face mass murder by rebels / Egypt - Many Christian girls kidnapped under Morsi rule / China: Muslims kill another 27 people
William J. Murray at the East Church in Beijing

Chairman's Report - July 5th, 2013

In this issue: Obama's "rebels" behead monk in Syria / Ship carrying Obama arms to Syria breaks in half and sinks / William Murray reports on his three week mission to China / The state of religious freedom in China today / Religious Freedom ad campaign exposing Saudi evil expands / Suicide bombers for democracy?

Report From Washington - June 28, 2013

In this issue: Jihadist welcomed at White House / Obama supported "rebels" behead monk / Obama gay pride / Obama ignores Religious Liberty law / Can Hobby Lobby beat Obamacare? / Religious liberty may die with DOMA / Petition to Congress: Allow Christian terror victims to come to camp in USA / Afghanistan: "Peace partner" attacks Presidential Palace / Syria: Obama's arms boat sinks / Syria: Suicide bomber hits Cathedral - / Turkey: Nation fast becoming Islamist police state

Report From Washington - June 21, 2013

In this issue: Young Nigerian Christian victims of terror denied visa for camp in USA by Obama / Study shows Obama's Arab Spring causes repression / Obama spy program on churches allowed, but mosques off limits / Senators move to block aid to Syrian jihadists / Congressmen and Senators want protections for military religious liberty / The Koran says: Being a Christian worse than being a murderer / More Saudi evil / Nigerian Muslims brag bout killing kids / No word on kidnapped bishops in Syria / 300 Western jihadists held in Syria

50 years of godless schools

Today’s culture has descended into a decadence contrary to the idealized days of “Leave It to Beaver,” “I Love Lucy and “Mayberry R.F.D.” Is all this the result of Murray vs. Curlett and the removal of prayer from our schools? For decades, I truly believed that this court case which is named for me and in which I was the teenage plaintiff before my conversion to Christianity, caused all this social destruction.

Report From Washington - June 14, 2013

In this issue: Obama spies on all Americans, except in mosques / Obama's gay ambassadors / Innocent filmmaker jailed by Obama speaks out / Congressmen stand for religious liberty / Senator McCain's rebels kill teen for "heresy" / Congressmen stunned FBI didn't know about radical Boston mosque / No tax dollars for jihadists / Terrorists or partners in freedom? / Afghanistan: Parliament gives OK for child brides / Egypt: Decline of rights under Muslim Brotherhood / Syria: Christians returning as government gains ground / Turkey: Secularists riot in Turkey against Muslim Brotherhood / New RFC Chairman's Report
Nicole Lynn Mansfield was shot dead by Syrian government forces along with two other Westerners - reportedly both British - The 33-year-old is from Flint, Michigan and converted to Islam several years ago following marriage to an Arab

Chairman's Report - June 14, 2013

In this issue - More Religious Freedom Coalition newspaper ads exposing the evils of Saudi Arabia / Obama’s FBI: Koran is “God’s revealed word” / Obama’s State Department wants “rights” of terrorists protected / Senator McCain finds the “right” terrorists to back / Beheading in London / UK and Syria share jihadist pain / American woman fighting for jihad killed in Syria