Report From Washington - June 7, 2013
In this issue: Obama's FBI rewriting history on Islam / Obama to deport German family over home schooling / Obama's crimes in Syria / Vast majority against McCain' plan to arm Jihadists / Rand Paul slams John McCain on Syria / No tax dollars for jihadists / Former Islamist tells why he hated the West / Iraq: Christians still being persecuted / Syria: Monk describes attacks on Christians / Egypt: "Legal" persecution of Christians / UK: Muslim pedophile rings enslave British girls
Report From Washington - May 31, 2013
In this issue: State Department tells Nigeria not to abuse terrorists' "rights" / State Department refuses to recognize persecution of Christians / Saudi columnist says Obama weakest president ever / Justice Department demands no religion in private companies / Senator McCain visits anti-Israel jihadists in Syria / Vatican report says 100,000 Christians a year die for faith / Muslims kill seven Marines in Philippines / 500 Christian Coptic girls kidnapped by Muslims since "Arab Spring" / Syrian Bishops still held by McCain supported "rebels" / Afghanistan comes to London
Report From Washington - May 24, 2013
In this issue: State Department issues report warning of "Islamophobia" / IRS chief's proven anti-Christian bigotry / Obama supported jihadists still hold Bishops / Congressman protests attacks on religious freedom in military / What happened to the First Amendment? / Chechen jihadist shot by FBI in Florida / Video on Saudi slavery / UK soldier beheaded in London / Muslims riot in Sweden / Muslims murder more Christians worldwide
Chairman's Report for May 23rd, 2013
In this issue: Praying at the Supreme Court on the National Day of Prayer / Rear Admiral says he will not bow to political correctness when it comes to his faith / Newspaper ads exposing Saudi evil expand / Saudi diplomat holds domestic slaves in Virginia / No good news on Syrian Bishops held by US supported "rebels"
Prayer Caucus Members Defend ‘In God We Trust’
Forty-one members of the House of Representatives have signed…
Report From Washington - May 17, 2013
In this issue: IRS worked with Planned parenthood to deny pro-life groups tax status / George Soros groups worked with IRS to target conservatives / Obama Administration's work with group linked to terror funding / Congressman almost aborted by his then 17-year-old mom / Congressmen demand answers on radical Christian hater's meeting with Pentagon / Senator demands answers on diplomat's holding slaves / New video on Saudi slavery / Pope canonizes 800 victims of Islamic massacre / Christian leader assassinated / More dead in Nigeria / Bangladesh Islamic violence against the church / Syria rebels brag about being cannibals
New Religious Freedom Coalition Video on Saudi Slavery
On May 16th the Religious Freedom Coalition released a new video on the situation of Saudi diplomats holding domestic workers in their Virginia mansion as slaves. The legal word for this slavery is "domestic servitude," but by any name it is slavery.
Report From Washington - May 10, 2013
In this issue: Obama forgets kidnapped bishops / Obama's fantasies about Islam revealed / Huckabee says Obama will resign over Benghazi / Disgraced governor wins House seat / Congressman almost victim of abortion / Democrat says Senator Cruz not really Hispanic / General fights for religious freedom in military / Domestic servitude in Virginia / Converts from Islam may face death in Morocco / Germany's Muslim polygamy problem / Killing kids for Islam in Thailand / Saudi anti-terror grad kills "many' Christians in Syria
Daybreak Prayer at the Supreme Court
At Daybreak on the National Day of Prayer, May 2nd, 2013, several Christian leaders met on the steps of the Supreme Court to offer prayers for the Court and the nation. The liturgy for the morning was prepared by Rev. Rob Schenck the founder and president of Faith and Action in the Nation's Capital.
Report From Washington - May 3, 2013
In this issue: Obama embracing jihadists worldwide? / Obama Pentagon advisor's hate speech against Christians / Obama asks God to bless abortionists / Congressman supports National Day of Prayer / Admiral defies ban on sharing faith / Saudi diplomat in USA had domestic slaves? / Our tax dollars support ethnic cleansing / Syrian bishops still held by USA supported jihadists / More Nigerian Christians murdered by Muslims / The unreported Islamic war on Thailand / China - 21 dead in Islamic terrorist attack