Chairman's Report for May 10, 2012
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IN THIS ISSUE: Religious Freedom Coalition begins advertising campaign exposing Obama's war on religious freedom / Congressmen demand Secretary Clinton add Boko Haram to State Department terror list / Special on National Day of Prayer events on Capitol Hill / Report on the continued support of Christians in Syria by the Religious Freedom Coalition

Saving Religious Freedom Ads begin running in Florida
Religious Freedom Coalition newspaper ads telling of the Obama Administration's threats to religious freedom begin running on May 13th. The first newspaper to accept the ad was the Panama City News Herald. This newspaper is in the Panhandle of Florida, in an area that has a large military presence. Many of those living in the area fought for religious freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, only to see Christians persecuted by the predominantly Muslim governments there.

Report From Washington - May 5, 2012
In this issue, a special report: William J. Murray reports this week from New York City. This update centers on National Day of Prayer activities on Capitol Hill and Murray's appearance on the Mike Huckabee TV Show

Report From Washington - April 27, 2012
In this issue: Romney's quick left turn / What are Obama's "universal values? / Congressmen urge terror designation for Boko Haram / Food stamps DOUBLE under Obama / Constitution or Sharia Conference DVD's available now / China seeks Muslim terrorists / Israel fact finding mission / Muslim lawyer pledges to "cover Russia in blood"

Report From Washington - April 20, 2012
In this issue: The Boko Haram and the State Department Terror List / State refuses to condemn Boko Haram despite mass killings / Congressmen defend the Cross at Camp Pendleton / Military religious Freedom Protection Ac to be voted one in Congress / Muslim group says that Muslims should not serve in law enforcement / Air Force says no Bibles needed in hotel rooms / UK "Lord" offers bounty on Bush and Obama / Boko Haram kills more people this week / Egypt TV says Egyptian Christians are traitors

Chairman's Report for April 19, 2012
Though he claims to be a “Christian,” Obama has directed his Department of Justice to attack churches on numerous fronts. So vicious are his assaults that some claim his goal is freedom from religion. Our founding fathers’ intent was freedom of religion not freedom from religion as Barack Obama seems to promote! The Obama Administration: Muslims killing Christians is not religious violence. Secretary Clinton refuses to add Boko Haram to terror list despite Christmas and Easter attacks on churches.

Report From Washington - April 13, 2012
In this issue: Boko Haram kills 38 in church bombing / Obama Administration says Boko Haram not motivated by religion / Secretary Clinton refuses to list Boko Haram as terror group / Atheists want memorial to dead Marines removed from Marine base / Alcohol free university? Yes, if Muslim don't want booze there / Kuwait to kill people for blasphemy / Turkey tops in honor killings under Islamist government / Mali rebels declare sharia law / Another Christian woman jailed in Pakistan

Huckabee to focus on My Life Without God
Mike Huckabee, former presidential candidate and Arkansas governor turned radio talk show host, on Friday will talk to William Murray about his new book, “My Life Without God.”
Murray, the son of the woman once known as America’s most famous atheist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, recounts his journey from despair to everlasting love through the grace of God in his new book.
It was in 1963 when O’Hair won a landmark lawsuit filed on behalf of her son that effectively banned prayer in public schools.

Report From Washington - April 6, 2012
In this issue: Muslim Brotherhood visit to the White House really not news / Congress still adjourned / Lee Greenwood tells Massachusetts school not to take God from his songs / Couple fired for being too religious, then win lawsuit / 2.4 million in slavery? / Whose church will be bombed this Easter? / Jail for Christian teen in Egypt over cartoon / Toulouse child killer a hero to Muslims / More French terror problems

The child-killer of Toulouse and his enablers
Hatred of Jews and Christians is preached from the vast majority of mosque pulpits each Friday in France. To show their contempt of Western society, imams frequently lead worshipers into busy French streets during rush hour on Friday to pray on their knees, sometimes closing down entire neighborhoods and disrupting businesses, while police do nothing. A few days after the child-killing Mohamed Merah was shot by police, a large crowd of Muslim women attempted to lay flowers in his honor at his home.