Chairman's Report for February 28th, 2013
In this issue of the Chairman's Report: Former Mayor Edward Koch warns of the dangers of Islam from the grave / Obama Administration vetoes UN resolution against terrorist car bombing / Car bomb kills dozens in Aleppo - Christians at risk / Saudi religious police arrest African Christians / Obama sees no Saudi evil / Free fax to your congressman on Saudi evil / Congressman Franks works for release of pastor in Iran

Report From Washington - March 1, 2013
In this issue: The Sequester Scare, part 2 / Direct aid to terrorists / See no Saudi evil / Congressman speaks out on Saudi arrests of Christian workers / Muslim congressman spokesman for racist group / Prayer Caucus fights abortion mandate / 20th anniversary of first WTC attack / UN: Turkey's PM calls Zionism a "crime against humanity" / Turkey: How democracy died / Nigeria: 16 die during phoney Muslim cease fire / Join me in a fact finding mission to Israel

Obama sees no Saudi evil
In stark contrast to ignoring the persecution, even torture, of Christians by our Saudi “ally,” the Obama administration and many senators of both parties strongly condemned Russia when an all-female anarchist punk rock band calling themselves Pussy Riot was arrested for demonstrating in a rather foul performance inside Christ the King Orthodox Church in Moscow.

Report From Washington - February 22, 2013
In this issue: Obama and the Saudi Royals / White House: Some car bombs are not as bad as others / The great sequester scare / Muslim beheads Christians in New Jersey / In Europe the victim is to blame / CAIR: There is no Islamic terror / Abandoned Muslim kids must be raised as Muslims / Disappearing Coptic girls / Fifty Islamic attacks in Thailand in two days / 9-11: The Jews did it

Report From Washington - February 15, 2013
In this issue: Rubio's response to Obama / Ft. Hood hero says "Obama betrayed us" / Obama stunned at Prayer Breakfast / McCain rationalizes the arming of Islamists / Moveguide Gala / Violence prooves the weakness of Islam / UK: Moderate mosque hosts fund raiser for terrorist / Germany: churches converted to mosques / Thailand: 16 Muslims die attacking army base

Obama stunned at National Prayer Breakfast speech by Dr. Benjamin Carson
Dr. Benjamin Carson, holder of the Medal of Freedom, shocked President Barack Obama as he spoke against political correctness and the horrendous debt facing our nation at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Report From Washington - February 8, 2013
In this issue: Obama "not involved" during Benghazi attack / Obama's new Egypt to try children for "insulting Islam" / Bachmann was right about Islamists in Administration / Karl Rove vs. Conservatives / Islamic America by 2050? / Apostasy killings show Islam's weakness / Belgium: Assassination attempt on Islam critic / Nigeria: Muslims kill nine health workers.

Chairman's Report for February 8th, 2012
In this issue: Exclusive: William Murray rebuts ex-CIA officer bullish on democracy in Middle East / The ballot box will not tame jihadists / Democracy and freedom don't have the same definition / UK rapist goes free because Muslim school taught him women were "worthless" as UK politician is jailed for insulting Islam. Fact finding trip to Israel

Report From Washington - February 1, 2013
In this issue: CIA specialist claims democracy will make Islam moderate / Obama says nothing about deaths in Egypt / House Out but Senate in session to fix "immigration" / Legalizing the illegals / Rush to get Russian girlfriends to US / Educating Sean Hannity on the Koran / Muslim prayers in public schools / Six year old girl sold to pay debts / French liberate women in Mali / Muslim rapist goes free because he was taught women were worthless

The ballot box will not tame Islamism
Western history is no more a guide for modernizing Islamic nations through democracy than Stalinist history was a model to modernize China. It took over 500 years, from the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 until the ratification of the American Constitution in 1789, for cultural acceptance of democratic thought despite a Judeo-Christian religious base which promotes the dignity of the individual’s rights. Islam has no such history or character.