Latest assassination proves Pakistan must denuclearize
The assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti in Pakistan should be a nuclear warning to the West. This second high level assassination by Islamists in just 60 days raises the concern that Pakistan cannot track as many as 150 nuclear weapons it may have in its arsenal. Pakistan must be denuclearized.
February 25, 2011 - Washington, DC
In this issue: The 3:00 AM call to the White House is on hold / Americans on their own in Libya / Gaddafi and Obama / Obama is no middle man / Congressman Allen West debates CAIR / End of the rule of law? / Jihad in Texas / Bloomberg's love of Sharia / Afghan Christian released / Christian Sailing missionaries murdered by Muslims
Chairman's Report for February 24, 2011
Exclusive report from Iraq - Christians in Nineveh Plain try to survive / Congressman's plan to help Christians, other minorities / South Asia suffers Islamic attacks / Freedom on trial in Europe / Liberal media confused about Ground Zero mosque / White male Islamophobe plans to bomb mosque?
February 18, 2011 – Washington, DC
Obama's Egyptian "victory" / Obama ignores Egyptian Islamists / Obama: We can create prosperity with debt / Will congress help protect religious minorities in Egypt? / House votes to Defund Planned Parenthood / Royal Caribbean hosts gay drug cruise / Islam's "gay free zone" in London / Rauf wants new mosque site / Islam's war on Thailand / Media discovers slaughter of Christians.
February 11, 2011 – Washington, DC
IN THIS ISSUE: Barack Obama, the friend of sharia / An Egyptian democracy? / Will Congress defund Planned Parenthood / FCC to kill free speech / Social conservatives and CPAC / The liberal media has second thoughts on the mosque / Indonesian mobs destroy churches / Freedom on trial in Europe
CPAC is destroying conservative unity
In a full-page ad in the February 7 edition of the Washington Times, a group of conservative leaders, including William J Murray of the Religious Freedom Coaltion, say they are deeply troubled by the direction of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) – which opens on February 10. The ad focuses on the inclusion of homosexual activists.
February 4, 2011 - Washington, DC
In this weekly update from Washington, DC: Obama, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood / House out, Senate in and a vote on ObamaCare / New movie on GZ mosque / New GZ imam kicked out on gay issue / Muslim Brotherhood has role in Egypt / More dead Christians in Egypt
Chairman's Report for February 3, 2011
New in this issue: Slumlord Feisal Rauf replaced by "Sheik" Adhami as GZ mosque imam / Elites and gays unhappy with Adhami / Obama, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood / Radical Muslim found in car trunk at Mexican border / Suicide bomber book found at Mexican border / Democrats bring out the race card (again) / Congressman enters bill to assist repressed religions in Middle East / Will Congress reaffirm "In God We Trust"?
January 28, 2011 – Washington, DC
Obama, Mubarak and Islam / Congressman calls for protection of religious minorities in Middle East / Reaffirming "In God We Trust" / Radical Muslim cleric captured at our border with Mexico / Google blocks our mosque ad / New Ground Zero mosque imam says apostates must be jailed / Democracy in Egypt? / Nuclear war in 18 months
January 21, 2011 - Washington, DC
IN THIS ISSUE: Worshiping Moloch and abortion are one and the same / Human Rights activist asks Obama, "Which girl should die" / What did ObamaCare repeal really do? / No Tax money for abortions / Fed Judge OK'S Sharia Law / Sharia judge for NJ / Telling the truth on the radio / The GZ mosque's new imam / Muslims tell Pope that killing Christians is their "internal affair"