
The Chairman's Report for November, 2024
War in Lebanon continues to raise Christmas program questions / Mission to Lebanon, Jordan and the West Bank canceled / As needs change in Lebanon the Christmas program is adjusted / GOOD NEWS from Nigeria … Farm and orphan outreach successes

Mission Trip Cancelled as Airports Close
Upcoming mission trip to the Middle East had to be canceled due to ongoing war. What will come of our 2024 Christmas for Refugees events in the Middle East?

The Chairman's Report for October, 2024
Christians facing more persecution than ever around the world / More attacks on Christians in China, Vietnam, Pakistan and India / The election: Is “freedom of warship” really religious freedom? / Christmas for Refugees programs in the war zone of Syria and Lebanon

The Chairman's Report for September 2024
Christmas for Refugees programs. / Baptisms increase again this year at our orphanage. / Chapel services at Nigeria orphanage with music much like the USA. / “Happy Birthday Jesus” celebrations to be held for new orphans.

Remembering 911
Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Bringing Jesus to Christmas
There are two times of year when we as Christians stop all else to behold what Jesus did for us. The Christmas for Refugees programs are foremost about the spiritual aspects of the celebration of the coming of Jesus, sending out the message.

Chairman's Report for August 23, 2024
Can the truth be told on social media outlets? / Christmas for Refugees program planning begins for Lebanon and Nigeria / Matching Gift Fund – In 2024 all program gifts will be doubled / New Baptisms at the orphanage / Bible clubs at the IDP camps

Programs Recap - Matching Gift Fund Activated!
For many years the matching gift fund was only available for the Christmas for Refugees program. This year gifts to all programs in the Middle East and Nigeria will be doubled. Here is a look at the current status of our ministry programs.

Chairman's Report for July 19, 2024
Jiret witnessed the murder of his parents on Christmas Eve. / 200 new orphans placed. Some older teen orphans have found work. / Orphanage school graduates have moved to new transition house! / The news cycle … Middle East Christians not important to the media.

Not Just Numbers...
Western media reports don't tell us who the victims are, just how many. But the reports aren't just numbers, they are real people. Here are some of their shocking stories...

Chairman's Report for June 21, 2024
Transition house for aged out orphans to open this month!/ Educational programs established for our graduates! / Orphanage farm planting completed, and harvest dates established. / A true firsthand story of the Christmas massacre in Plateau State

Progress at Orphanage Transition House!
Most of the work needed for the new transition house for teenagers aging out of our orphanage has been completed. All are graduating from the orphanage school with government test scores far above those of public-school students!

Chairman's Report for May 17, 2024
Thriving children at Nigeria orphanage win gold medals for cycling! / Life Enrichment at the Orphanage … New advantages for the children / New attacks in Bokkos and Mangu cause program difficulties / Adult diaper program in Middle East continues as need grows

Life Enrichment at the Orphanage
Children at our Nigerian orphanage are thriving! Life enrichment programs are being utilized to increase the children's quality of life while also teaching skills that will benefit them for years to come.

Chairman's Report April 19, 2024
Program to move newly orphaned children from IDP camps to homes / Orphanage in Jos prospers as we train Christian leaders for Nigeria / Work continues for transition house for orphanage graduates / Full results from Religious Freedom Coalition supporter poll

Current Orphanage and Transition House News
No major construction is set to go at our orphanage for now. The children are not just living, they are thriving. Many of the children are participating in extracurricular activities. The transition house for orphanage graduates will train young men and women to join the workforce.

Chairman's Report March 22, 2024
Compound located to house and job train orphanage graduates / Program being developed for Christmas massacre orphans / New accounts of the impact of Christmas programs in Syria and Lebanon / Google’s “artificial intelligence’ engine attacks Religious Freedom Coalition

The Plateau State IDP Orphans
What happens to the children made orphans in the latest attacks in Plateau State? We cannot absorb 1,000 new orphans into the orphanage we designed and built for a maximum of 160 children.

Chairman's Report for February 23, 2024
1,000 new orphans and fifteen open beds at orphanage – Now what? / Transition house for orphanage graduates to become reality / Traumatized orphans we have helped win athletic competitions / Capitol Hill, Nigeria, and even more Christians massacred

West Bank Ministry Update
A message from our ministry partner in the West Bank: Our diaper and food programs have continued through the current war. Learn more about how our ministry is impacting the Christian community in the Holy Land during this difficult time.

House Committee Calls for Nigeria to be Added to CPC List
For the third year in a row the U.S. State Department released its annual Religious Freedom Watchlist, leaving Nigeria off the list. The failure of the State Department to designate Nigeria as a CPC came just after hundreds more Christians were murdered in Nigeria!

Chairman's Report for January 26, 2023
Hundreds of Christians massacred on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day / Hundreds of new orphans as parents are massacred by Sunni Muslims / The tin mines of Plateau state have been taken over by “herdsmen” / Orphanage children assist with aid to displaced Christians south of Jos

Fifteen Open Beds for 1,000 Orphans
Our Nigeria orphanage has openings for just 15 children this year. Over 1,000 Christian children have been orphaned in Plateau State by Jihad just in the last year! Which 15 do we take in and what happens to the other 985?

Sunni Muslims kill hundreds of Christians on Christmas Day
Sunni Muslims kill hundred of Christians on Christmas Day. Hundreds left orphaned by the attacks. Nigerian Christians are in danger. The United States will not take action. What can we do to help?

Chairman's Report for January 5, 2024
Forced last minute changes to Middle East Christmas programs / Middle East church leaders “agree” to cancel Christmas celebrations / Nigeria Christmas programs expanded to location of massacre / Twenty-five years of live Nativity in the nation’s capital

2023 Christmas Programs Changed Radically
The planning was completed to once again have large gatherings of Christian children for Christmas in Iraq, Jordan and the West Bank. However, then came the Hamas terror attack from Gaza on Israel. Here is how we adjusted:

WATCH: Christmas at Nigeria IDP Camp
This year, we partnered with the children and volunteers at our Jos orphanage to bring the joy of Christmas to an IDP camp housing many of the survivors of terror attacks. Children were able to enjoy a fresh meal, gifts, and fun activities at this event.

Chairman's Report for December 8, 2023
CHRISTIAN FAMILIES IN PERIL AS WAR RAGES ON / Ukrainians who fled to Israel find themselves in poverty in another war. / We help Messianic Christians in Israel who lost jobs because of war. / Palestinian Authority forbids Christmas celebration in Manger Square.

Programs Update
Nigeria Classrooms completed. New Christmas program at Nigeria IDP camp thanks to Nigeria orphans. Christmas events in the Middle East will be difficult this year.

Chairman's Report for November 17, 2023
ISRAEL VS. HAMAS: Children of our partners serve in the IDF / 17 Christians killed and many injured when church hit by bomb / Hamas terror and Israel response endanger Christmas programs / Nigeria update on new orphanage building and graduating students

WATCH: New Orphanage Classroom CompletedWATCH:
Thanks to the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition the new school building at our Nigerian orphanage is complete! Take a look at the work that was done over the last several months to transform the temporary structure into a building fit for the students to learn.

Chairman's Report for October 13, 2023
Christmas for Refugees will help victims of Jihad in Mangu, Nigeria / Christmas for Refugees will relieve the despair of IDP children / More Christmas programs in Lebanon and Syria, fewer in Iraq / EVERYTHING YOU READ IN SOCIAL MEDIA HAS BEEN CENSORED

Christmas programs in the Middle East and Nigeria
Tens of thousands of Christian refugees can’t go home to Syria. Entire Christian towns no longer exist. The need for the Christmas for Refugees program is declining in Iraq, but the need is ever growing in Nigeria. We will be adding Christmas events in IDP camps this year!

Chairman's Report for September 22, 2023
Personal mission report from Nigeria…Progress at the orphanage / Celebration of the deliverance of the children from certain death in 2021 / Personal visit to site of attacks in Mangu and delivery of aid to IDP / Personal visit to seriously wounded Christians awaiting surgeries in hospital.

Nigeria Orphanage: Personal Observations
In 2018 when I visited the orphanage at Miango, waste from the girls hostel building was draining from a pipe to an open pit. The children were receiving two meals a day consisting of gruel. Five years later, so much has changed for the better.

WATCH: The Orphan's Diary: Reenactment of Orphanage Attack
On August 2, 2021 our Christian orphanage in Miango Nigeria was destroyed by Fulani Herdsmen. Two years later, the children reflect on that fateful day and how far they have come through the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition.

Chairman's Report for August 25, 2023
New classroom building at Nigeria orphanage almost complete. / First big crop from our farm – Irish potatoes are harvested. / Costs up for adult diapers for special needs elderly Christians in Bethlehem. / ALERT – Matching gift fund will help Christmas and Diaper programs.

Matching Gift Fund Supports Diapers This Year
The Leadership Circle is a group of RFC supporters who have come together to create a matching gift fund. For many years the matching gift fund was only available for the Christmas program. The Matching Gift Fund has been changed for 2023.

Nigeria Orphanage: New Classrooms Almost Complete
Our orphanage in Jos, Nigeria is now in its final construction stage as Block B classrooms are being completed. WATCH: Video of volunteers carrying concrete up an unsteady ramp, bucket-by-bucket.

Orphanage Tragedy: Murder!
The brother of our principal at the orphanage school was murdered by the Sunni Muslim Fulani. We have ordered emergency aid to those made homeless who are now living in a temporary IDP camp.

Chairman's Report for June 23, 2023
Dollar dropping in value will affect all ministry operations’ power / Temporary classrooms made of scrap lumber must be replaced / Orphanage farm may produce many tons of potatoes and corn / Former Nigerian governor flatly states Christians must accept Muslim rule

Objective is an Islamic Nigeria
Nasir El-Rufai, the governor of Kaduna State from 2015 to 2023 confessed to the goal of Islamification of Nigeria in a speech to his tribe that has been posted on social media without his permission. Inside is a report on the context of the speech, which was delivered in Hausa, a tribal language of Nigeria.

The Dollar's Decline Is Hurting Missions
The devaluation of the dollar means we must pay more for products in nations we operate in such as Jordan or Iraq. In Nigeria the cost of food has been stable, but products used in construction have increased. This means our current project of creating a school room has gotten more expensive.

Chairman's Report for May 19, 2023
Communist governments are still persecuting Christians / Biden Administration praises oppressive communist government / Jihad in Nigeria since 1804 – Most of the land now controlled by Muslims / Orphanage improvements / The secrets of helping Muslims who come to Jesus

Communist Vietnam No Better Than Red China
Ignoring persecution of Christians? The communists who run Vietnam are now the best buddies of our State Department. Secretary of State Blinken headed to Hanoi in April to rub shoulders with this despotic communist government. We signed onto a letter urging the Secretary to address the ongoing persecution of Christians.

Recent Attacks in Nigeria - Close to Home
Our aged-out orphans were scheduled to be transported to their new home. By the Lord's intervention the plans were changed. Two attacks occurred in that time frame and 74 Christians were killed. Many orphans now need a home. We have plans to make advances at the orphanage.

Chairman's Report for April 14, 2023
Home found for seven aged-out orphans, but there will be eleven more soon! / Boys’ building at orphanage has hot water for showers! / Return of the farm? / Nigerian children from a “Muslim background” / Entire families in Iraq! / Final update on the 2023 supporter poll: Yes for Nigeria, maybe for Capitol Hill

"Aged Out" Orphans
As orphans turn 18 where do they go? That has been a compelling question, and now our prayers have been answered. We just can’t turn 18-year-olds with no real job training out onto the streets. They had no families to support them and no source of income while they were in the orphanage.

Chairman's Report for March 24, 2023
The situation for Christians in Bethlehem and the West Bank worsens / Bethlehem has a great need for diapers for special needs adults / Supporter poll shows strong support for Nigerian orphanage programs / Advocating for persecuted Christians / The cost of not being woke

Christians starving in the Holy Land
Bethlehem's Christian population is dropping dramatically due to discrimination and threats from the Muslim majority. The poor and elderly are often left without support. Our diaper and food programs are helping.

WATCH: New Classrooms Needed at Nigeria Orphanage
Right now, one of the classroom buildings at our orphanage is a temporary makeshift facility. It is time to build a concrete building with electrical wiring to allow these children to learn in an environment untouched by Nigerian heat and weather.

Chairman's Report for February 24, 2023
Inspection of new orphanage facility shows progress and needs. / Progress on a transition home for orphans aged out of our facility. / New Partners step forward to help our Nigerian orphanage. / Large numbers of Palestinian Christians face starvation in Bethlehem.

Mission to Nigeria: Orphanage Inspection
William J. Murray's recent trip to Nigeria involved his first official inspection of the new Jos orphanage facility. He was pleased with the progress but also noticed some needs. A new water heater and third educational building land at the top of the list.

Chairman's Report for January 27, 2023
Tragedy in Bethlehem delays start of our Christmas programs / Riots in Jordan force change of location for Christmas programs. / Some Christians living in the birthplace of the Lord are starving / Work continues at new orphanage location as Christmas celebrated

Christmas for Refugees Tragedy
Our 2022 Christmas for Refugees events faced some last minute obstacles in two countries causing events to be rescheduled. Riots in Jordan and a fatal pesticide accident in Bethlehem required us to take action. Learn more in this article.

Chairman's Report for January 6, 2023
Christmas programs for displaced Christian children are successful. / American groups protest arrest of Christian woman for blasphemy / Meetings with Senators on Capitol Hill – The new leadership in Congress / Our annual participation in the live Nativity on Capitol Hill (Protests)

Christmas for Refugees Programs Begin in Middle East
Most of the Christmas for Refugees events in Lebanon and Syria were reinstated. One of the Christmas programs for Syrian refugee children was held in Akkar which is in the far north of Lebanon. About one out of every three people now living in Akkar are Syrian refugees.

The Live Nativity on Capitol Hill
Religious Freedom Coalition Vice President, Mandy Marlowe, participated in the live Nativity at the Supreme Court Building earlier this month. The live Nativity is a great way to spread the message of the true meaning of Christmas in our nation's capital.

Chairman's Report for December 9, 2022
Christmas for Refugees programs in Lebanon and Syria restored! / Christians continue to suffer in Iraq even after Islamic State defeat / New water well needed at orphanage – Drilling authorized and funded / The mess on Capitol Hill has not been cleaned up – Meeting with Senator

Chairman's Report for November 18, 2022
Jos Christian Refuge for Children opens fully functional. Praise God! / Graduating orphans need transition homes during 33% unemployment / Former Muslims who accept the Lord need assistance and prayers / Christmas for Refugees programs face first cuts in over a decade

RFC Board Member Releases New Book
Bestselling author and internationally recognized journalist Ken Timmerman is a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the Religious Freedom Coalition. His newest book, And the Rest is History, is now available.

Children at home in our new orphanage!
The displaced Christian orphans we have cared for over the last several years have moved into their new home in Jos, Nigeria. The children have sent photos and videos of appreciation. They know we care for them with the love of the Lord.

Chairman's Report for October 14, 2022
Working on Capitol Hill to stop the killing of Christians in Nigeria / Our orphanage is an Island of mercy in a sea of hatred. / Children begin the move into Jos Christian Refuge for Children / Christmas for Refugees funding lags – Trusting the Lord for success

Christmas for Refugees 2022 Planning
Funding for the Christmas programs is well behind, and I have been unable to transfer funds according to our schedules. Is there something more at play? We can still make it with the help of the Christmas Matching Gift Fund.

Working on Capital Hill to Stop Killings in Nigeria
I was one of several leaders of groups concerned with religious freedom that signed a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken asking that Nigeria once again be designated a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) regarding religious freedom.

Chairman's Report for September 23, 2022
Temporary orphanage site flooded causing delays in move / Progress report on construction at new orphanage site / Fencing, gate and other security features at orphanage site / Expanding the Christmas for Refugees program in Syria and Nigeria

Remembering 9/11
Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Construction at New Orphanage Site Underway
Work has begun at the new orphanage site in Jos, Nigeria. We are fixing existing structures and building new structures to fit the needs of the orphanage. We are also fixing all fencing and installing larger gates to help the children feel safer.

Chairman's report for August 26, 2022
Full report on July mission trip to Assyrian areas of Iraq / Report on adult diaper programs in poverty ridden Christian villages / Rocket attack by Turkey near village we visited to distribute diapers / New Nigeria orphanage site will be ready for move in by September!

WATCH: Checking in on Christian Camp
William J. Murray recently returned from a mission trip to the Middle East where he was able to stop in and visit a Christian summer camp in Jordan we have supported for many years. Watch this video from his time there and learn about the work that is being done.

Chairman's Report for July 22, 2022
Land purchased for permanent home for Nigerian orphanage / Fence repairs, new electrical and plumbing needed / Christian summer camp in Jordan has been changing lives since 1974 / Working on Capitol Hill during Nancy Pelosi’s TV show

WATCH:Nigerian Orphans Say "Thank You" for New Home
The children at our orphanage in Nigeria created this video to thank us for their new home! It has been almost one year since the Fulani Herdsmen attacked and destroyed the original orphanage location in 2021.

Chairman's Report for June 24, 2022
Land purchase underway for permanent home for Nigerian orphanage / Nigeria responsible for 80% of Christians who die for their faith / Our support continues for the summer camp for Christian children in Jordan / Mission trip to Iraq in July to assist Diapers for Refugees program

Christian Camp in Jordan
Over a period of 15 years the Religious Freedom Coalition has done much to improve the conditions at a summer camp for Christian youth in Jordan. The camp allows children of different Christian denominations to meet and to develop a closer relationship with the Lord.

Moving Forward to a Permanent Home
Just a few steps left in the process of securing a new permanent home in Jos for the Nigerian orphans. With more Christians being killed daily, the orphanage has had to turn away children. Even as persecution continues to rise, no efforts are made from the Biden administration.

Chairman's Report for May 20, 2022
Second 2022 mission to Nigeria successful despite satanic interference / Obstacles to April trip mounted as Islamic attacks in Nigeria escalated / Attacks in Plateau and Kaduna – Train from Abuja attacked during trip / Prayers at proposed orphanage site as the Lord shows a path to success

WATCH: Interview with Nigerian Orphanage Director
William J. Murray sat down with the Director of the Christian orphanage we support in Nigeria. In this interview, they discuss life before and after the horrific tragedy that took place in August 2021 when Fulani Herdsmen destroyed the orphanage and forced the children to flee.

Chairman's Report for April 15, 2022
Safe, permanent site for the orphanage children may have been found / Owner wants outrageous price for current building that needs repair / Diapers for Refugees program continues in Iraq and West Bank / Final results of supporters’ poll ranking our mission programs

Diapers for Refugees
In Iraq our main distribution center is now Dohuc where there are many impoverished Christian families who were financially unable to return and rebuild their homes. We continue to distribute both infant and adult diapers in the Dohuc area, the home of what is left of the Assyrians.

Chairman's Report for March 25, 2022
Results of 2022 poll of Religious Freedom Coalition supporters / Capitol Hill groups demand help to release Christian worker in Niger / More on our visit to the orphanage at Jos and plans for the building / More on visits to locations in Benue State, Nigeria – A school we can’t support

Nigeria Mission Recap 2 - Nigerian Orphanage
We noticed some things needed to change after an audit was done during our visit to the orphanage. We have already made adjustments to the current building, but think we may need to look elsewhere for a permanent home.

Christian Missionary Held - Capitol Hill
I was one of twelve leaders of religious organizations to sign a joint letter to the foreign minister of Mali to help free a Christian missionary. Jeffery Woodke is one of sixty-six Americans known to be held by terrorist organizations. View the official letter here.

Chairman's Report for February, 25 2022
Finally, in Nigeria – Two years of attempts at a mission trip during Covid-19 / Commissioning of our new school building at IDP camp in Benue State, Nigeria / Visit to former orphanage site attacked and destroyed by Sunni Muslims / Conditions at the new orphanage site in Jos are not ideal, but usable

Nigeria Mission Recap 1 - IDP Camp School Building
Mission Trip to Nigeria planned for March 2020 finally takes place in January 2022. In this first recap I tell about our trip to Benue State to attend the commission of the school building we funded at an IDP camp. We were able to participate and hand out Christ-centered educational materials to the children.

Chairman's Report for January, 28 2022
The disaster of December: Our office shut down for most of the month / Exploding water heater floods our office and Post Office “misplaces” our mail / Photo spread of our Christmas programs in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq / Nigeria orphanage celebrates “Jesus birthday” during classroom construction

Post Office Meltdown – We win because the Lord is with us!
Our processing service received no mail at our postal boxes in Washington, DC for most days in December. It gets worse … It was not just mail held in December. Some envelopes were post marked as far back as September 1st. It took four months for those checks to reach us!

The Chairman's Report for January 8, 2022
Christmas for Refugees successful despite Covid-19 / The cause of the suffering of Syrian Christian children / Heart for the Persecuted Church – Unification of our programs / Working with the Tiv Tribe in Nigeria to help displaced Christians

Christmas for Refugees Events Begin - Lebanon
In Lebanon the Christmas programs will reach over 4,000 children, of which 2,435 are Christian refugees from Syria. Other children are from Iraq, and there are also some Lebanese children affected by the large explosion in Beirut and the collapse of the Lebanese currency.

The Chairman's Report for December 10, 2021
The hope that Muslims destroyed along with an orphanage in Miango / Our farm was lost but the lives of the children were saved / Adult special needs diapers in the West Bank and other areas / Christmas program will help poorest Christian refugees in the Middle East

The Chairman's Report for November 12, 2021
Purchase of 15 seat VW Transporter “bus” for use in Jos city / New classrooms under construction at site of rented building / New playground equipment purchased / New school uniforms / Christmas for Refugees financial goals not met. Lebanon in crisis

Christmas for Refugees - Donations Doubled!
Right now, every gift to Christmas for Refugees is being doubled by the Matching Gift Fund set up by the Leadership Circle. Our goal is to provide a real Christmas for 12,500 displaced Christian children, many of them from war torn Syria.

The Chairman's Report for October 15, 2021
New orphanage location: Beds with new mattresses delivered / Orphans move into new quarters. New clothes and shoes / Funds authorized for classroom constructions and new generator / Christmas for Refugees program updates / Adult diaper needs in West Bank

By the Book!
Thanks to the good-hearted supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition, 360 Christian children forced from their homes by Sunni Muslim terrorists will be able to receive an education in a safe building out of the rain during rainy season and out of the blistering sun during the summer months.

WATCH: Nigerian Orphans say "Thank You"
Our Christian orphanage we support in Miango, Nigeria was destroyed by Muslim Fulani Herdsmen in early August. Thanks to the generous supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition, we were able to rent them a new facility and provide them with many material needs. Watch this video to hear their gratitude for your support!

Remembering 9/11
Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

The Chairman's Report for September 10, 2021
Orphanage in Miango, Nigeria destroyed, every building burned / Orphans escaped but all personal belongings were burned up / Religious Freedom Coalition rents building in Jos City for orphanage / Mission to Iraq – Team heads to Iraq to reinvigorate diaper program

An Update on the Nigerian Orphanage
The orphanage we support in Nigeria was recently destroyed by Muslim Fulani Herdsmen. Over the past few weeks, the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition have allowed us to assist these children with material needs.

Building rented for children from destroyed orphanage
Christian children from the orphanage that was destroyed in Plateau State find a new home thanks to the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition. 100 children will be relocated here, more is needed to be done.

WATCH: Nigerian Orphanage Attacked
The Christian orphanage we support in Plateau State, Nigeria was attacked and destroyed by Muslim Fulani Herdsmen during the night of August 2nd, 2021. Please watch this video from the desk of William J. Murray as he explains the current situation and the huge need there is for your help.

The Chairman's Report for July 16, 2021
Children return to orphanage near Miango – Calm has returned to area / Nigerian orphanage farm planting continues -- Irish potatoes bloom / Diaper program – Many elderly in Bethlehem die from Covid-19 / Congress is asked to address persecution of Christians in Vietnam

WATCH: School Building Under Construction
Construction is underway for the new school building at an IDP camp in NIgeria. The building is being constructed as originally planned, even after delays. RFC is not only constructing but fully outfitting the school for the TIV Tribe. Watch this video to see the construction that is taking place.

WATCH: Crisis in Nigeria
Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria are in grave danger as Sunni Muslim Fulani Herdsmen rampage their way through towns and farmland, killing Christians and destroying homes. Our orphanage and farm are in their path. Learn about one Christian orphanage that was miraculously saved during one of these terrible attacks.

The Chairman's Report for May 21, 2021
Biden recognizes Armenian genocide without using the word “Christian”/ Nigerian orphanage – Muslim terrorist murderers at the gate / School building construction slows because of design change demands / We supply oxygen concentrator that saved lives in Iraq

Saving a Life
Over 25% of Jordan’s 10,000,000 residents are classified as refugees. Because of the number of refugees who are not paying taxes, the health care system is strained. A member of the staff of our ministry partner in Jordan contracted Covid-19 recently and was told he had to go onto oxygen immediately.

1.5 Million Christians Murdered in What is Called the "Metz Yeghern"
I was overjoyed when I learned that President Joe Biden was going to issue an official statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Then I read President Biden’s statement. He never even mentioned the word "Christian" and also managed to forgive the killers.

The Chairman's Report for April, 23 2021
Classrooms for Christian IDP children in Benue State, Nigeria / Third year for our farm project at Nigeria orphanage in Plateau State / Detailed results of the annual Religious Freedom Coalition supporter’s poll / Capitol Hill – My conversation with Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Conversation with Senator Ben Sasse
On March 18th I spent over an hour on a Zoom call with Senator Sasse to discuss the state of religious liberty. I was also able to speak with his National Security Advisor, Brett Fetterly, to discuss in great detail the persecution of Christians in Nigeria and the failure of our government to call out the Sunni Muslim president.

Building Schools for Displaced Christian Children
The Religious Freedom Coalition is funding the construction of school buildings at IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camps in Nigeria. Many of the Christian families in these camps are there as a result of fleeing Islamist terror and persecution.

The Chairman's Report for March 26, 2021
Post cards to Biden demanding action in Nigeria sent to all supporters! / We build classrooms for Nigerian Christian children in displacement camps / Religious Freedom Coalition supporters back Nigeria and diaper programs / Adult diaper delivery to disabled Christian elderly in Middle East

Diapers for Refugees Update
Our Diapers for Refugees program is still curtailed by Covid-19 which is severe in the Middle East. Despite the difficulties, there are successes in places such as Bethlehem and Beit Sahour in the West Bank. In Iraq, Jordan and the West Bank diapers must be delivered to homes and care centers because of government restrictions.

Inside Our Work in Nigeria
In this update from William J. Murray, learn about the different areas the Religious Freedom Coalition is helping the persecuted Christians in Nigeria. These efforts include the continued partnership with an orphanage along with a new venture we have begun which is centered around building school houses for displaced children.

WATCH: Schools for Nigerian Children
WATCH: We have partnered with the Tiv Tribe to build one school building for children to learn away from the beating sun and pouring rain. But I believe we can do even better, as there are thousands of displaced children who need some form of education.

The Chairman's Report for February 26, 2021
Post Card Campaign to Joe Biden successful. Thousands mailed so far! / Everyone receiving newsletter will receive a post card to mail to Biden. / Diapers for Refugees programs in Iraq, Jordan and the Holy Land / Food program in Bethlehem helps Christian families in extreme poverty

Demanding that Biden continue Trump policy on Nigeria
Joe Biden has issued an executive order to undo what he called the "Muslim travel ban" that was established by President Trump to put pressure on areas with increased Sunni Muslim terrorist activities... including Nigeria.

Letter to Biden Urging Support of Religious Freedom
"We write as an informal group of organizations and individuals, who are scholars, religious and secular leaders, human rights advocates, and practitioners to urge you to prioritize U.S. leadership in the area of international religious freedom."

The Chairman's Report for January 29, 2021
More results from Christmas programs in Middle East – New photos! / Christmas program in Lebanon expanded – Over 5,000 children reached / In Syria program expanded to 3,823 children, with new towns served / Nigeria orphanage conducts traditional Christmas programs

A Look into Christmas for Refugees in Lebanon
At one event in Lebanon, children were greeted by costumed characters. Then they heard a story as they watched a woman make candy canes. The children were told how the different colors of the candy can represented different aspects of the Gospel story. The children were then given their gifts.

The Chairman's Report for January 8, 2021
Christmas for Refugees successful despite Covid-19 / The cause of the suffering of Syrian Christian children / Heart for the Persecuted Church – Unification of our programs / Working with the Tiv Tribe in Nigeria to help displaced Christians

Syrian Christian Children are Suffering
The Christian children of Syria are suffering, not only those facing jihadists, but those that are in deep poverty in Lebanon. What happened? The programs I began in the Middle East were designed not only to help the beleaguered Christians materially but most importantly -- spiritually.

Christmas for Refugees despite COVID-19
There were no large Christmas for Refugees events this year with hundreds of children celebrating the birth of our Lord except in Syria and Nigeria. The events may have been toned down, but they were still about Jesus. Instead of games and song, children received special gifts.

The Chairman's Report for December 4, 2020
The election: A loss? Social Conservatives made big gains in Congress / At least 15 NEW pro-life women elected to Congress under Nancy Pelosi / Christmas for Refugees program begins in Lebanon and other areas / Farm we sponsored for the Nigerian orphanage really produced this year!

Christmas for Refugees Events Begin
Because of COVID-19, more Christmas events held this year in Lebanon for children than in the rest of the Middle East because the events will be smaller. In most instances children will walk through one at a time indoors, but because of local rules, some will be held outdoors.

The Chairman's Report for November 13, 2020
Increase in number of children to participate in Christmas for Refugees / Program changes include package of Christian books and workbooks / Matching gift challenge not yet met – Our walk is by faith not sight / Turkey – our NATO ally – commits atrocities and persecutes Christians

New Guidelines for Christmas Events in 2020
With all the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic this Christmas season, it was apparent that changes had to be made to our traditional Christmas programs. Here are the new guidelines for the 2020 Christmas for Refugees program.

The Chairman's Report for October 16, 2020
Christmas for Refugees donations to be doubled by gift challenge fund / Christmas for Refugees needs the support of social media this year / The crisis for Christians in Lebanon / We are funding food programs there / More young Christian girls kidnapped and forced to marry Muslim men

The Christians in Lebanon
We pledged to help feed 60 Christian families in Lebanon after the explosion in Beirut earlier this year. Many of these families are refugees fleeing persecution in Syria. Having passed our goal, we can feed even more families with your help!

Pakistan Kidnapping Nightmare
Last month I reported on Maria Shahbaz, a 14-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan who was abducted and forced to “marry” a Muslim man. This is not an isolated case! Huma Younus is another Christian Pakistani girl who was kidnapped, forcefully converted to Islam and then made to marry her abductor this year.

Christmas for Refugees Update
Our Christmas events normally range between 100 and 700 kids in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, and Bethlehem. But this year the Covid-19 situation will force me to arrange for smaller and therefore many more events. This will bring up the cost... can we do it?

Remembering 9-11
Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Pakistan Outrage in the Name of Islam
A 14-year-old Christian girl who was abducted and forced to "marry" a Muslim man in Pakistan has been ordered to be handed over to her abductor. This decision overruled a lower court that had placed her in a women’s shelter.

Christmas Program Starts Up During Uncertainty
Our ministry partners in the Middle East have begun preparations for Christmas programs regardless of the uncertainty. Areas that were locked down during the early Covid-19 outbreak and then reopened are once again in lock-down. Will those areas be open in December?

WATCH: Will there be a Christmas for Refugees in 2020?
Watch this video from RFC President, William J. Murray, as he speaks about what the 2020 Christmas for Refugees events will look like in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

Horror in Lebanon
The horrific explosion in Beirut occurred in a predominantly Christian area. Many churches were destroyed or damaged. It is our duty to help our Christian brothers and sisters in their time of need in Lebanon. I pray we can help repair the school and assist with food for the poorest.

The Chairman's Report for August 14, 2020
There will be Christmas for Refugees in 2020 / Advocacy … Sanctions stop aid delivery to Syrian Christians. Let’s change this! / Advocacy … President of Turkey goes full Islamist and must be stopped / Nigerian orphanage near capacity and remains in the danger zone

Pakistan Christians Are Falsely Accused for Blasphemy
In several Muslim countries Christians are in prison and often facing death after being falsely accused of blasphemy toward Islam. Often this is done to steal property or as some personal revenge. Here are a few of the stories from Pakistan.

WATCH: LSESD Video on the ground in Lebanon after explosion in Beirut
Christian organization, Lebanese Society for Educational & Social Development (LSESD) records this video update which documents how several Christian organizations in Beirut were impacted by the blast and how they are dealing with the aftermath.

There will be Christmas for Refugees in 2020
The Christmas for Refugees program has become a tradition in several nations, showing the love of Christians here in America for the Christian children who have suffered so much under Islamic oppression. We must plan as if every event will be held in every country we serve, regardless of the situations that may exist now.

The Chairman's Report for July 17, 2020
Fulani Herdsmen leader says: “Nigeria belongs to the Fulani” / Nigerian orphanage farm doing well, but Christians murdered nearby / U. S. government agency complains about arrest of Nigerian … atheist! / Will Covid-19 affect our Christmas for Refugees program?

United States Helping the Atheists of Nigeria
I was a little surprised that in the midst of the deadly attacks against Christians in Nigeria this year, that the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) moved to help an atheist arrested in Nigeria.

"Nigeria Belongs to Fulani"
The National President of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, Bello Abdullahi Bodejo, has said that the Fulani own Nigeria and will rule the country forever. Recently. Fulani herdsmen entered a store near the orphanage we support in Nigeria and killed the store owner and others in the store because they were Christians.

The Chairman's Report for June 19, 2020
Legislative work continues in Washington, DC – Persecution in Vietnam / Christians suppressed in Vietnam / Iraq refusing recognition of evangelicals / Female genital mutilation in Sudan (Maybe) Can it be stopped elsewhere? / Destruction at only Christian bookstore in Amman, Jordan

The Nigeria Orphanage and Coronavirus
I want to share my heart with you about the orphanage we support in Nigeria. I have been terrified with the thought that the Covid-19 virus would penetrate the walls around the orphanage. Medical care for the Christians of Nigeria is hard to obtain. The level of corruption in the country is unimaginable.

The Chairman's Report for May 15, 2020
Capitol Hill advocacy work moves to Zoom – Religious Freedom Roundtable / Senator Lankford adds faith-based groups to Payroll Protection Program / Caring for Christian children who are victims of Islamic terror / West Bank and Middle East Christians refused coronavirus aid

International Religious Freedom Roundtable
Many of the meetings I attended in person in Washington,
DC are now held by Zoom. One of the most important is the International Religious Freedom
Roundtable chaired by Ambassador Sam Brownback. I
made a presentation to stop the attacks on Christians in Nigeria.

WATCH: William J. Murray Gives an Update on COVID-19 Impacts on Our Organization
Religious Freedom Coalition President, William J. Murray, gives and update on how our organization is handling the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is affecting our ministry programs.

The Chairman's Report for April 17, 2020
Religious Freedom Coalition continues to function during crisis / Advocacy in Washington: Fighting for the Christians of Nigeria / More Christians killed in Nigeria as we work to start up orphanage farm / News from our ministry partners who are facing the Coronavirus

Advocacy in Washington, DC
Even with the closures, our legislative work continues. Because of the overwhelming interest in our Nigeria missions and concern for the welfare of persecuted Christians in Nigeria, I began a post card campaign to President Trump. President Trump has already taken some actions to send a message to Nigeria!

The Chairman's Report for March 27, 2020
The Coronavirus interferes with Nigeria mission and orphanage support / Donations to non-profit organizations plunging with coronavirus fears / Surprises from Religious Freedom Coalition supporters’ poll / On Capitol Hill – The new International Committee on Nigeria (ICON)

Bethlehem, Diaper Program and the Coronavirus
The coronavirus was introduced to the Bethlehem area by Christians on a pilgrimage from South Korea. The situation in the West Bank comes just as we had begun a diaper program at a nursing home for very elderly Christians who are in need of constant medical aid.

The Coronavirus, Fear and Market Insanity
Fear is more contagious than any virus could ever be, and the media has really fed the fear factor for the coronavirus. Here are my frustrations and concerns with how the coronavirus has been handled in the US thus far.

The Chairman's Report for February 28, 2020
New Islamic terror attacks in Nigeria – Trump issues travel ban / Islamic terror attacks west of our orphanage in Plateau State / Stop Nigerian oil exports until Muslim President protects Christians! / Work on Capitol Hill does make a difference / New needs in diaper program

Trump's Travel Ban / The Plight of Nigeria Christians
The travel ban proclaimed by President Trump, and the addition of Nigeria to the “Special Watch List” of nations that violate religious freedom are both steps forward to confront the Sunni Muslim president of Nigeria who allows the attacks on Christians and actively suppresses the Shia Muslim minority. Still, much harsher action is needed by the American government.

Work in Washington Continues
As president of the Religious Freedom Coalition I make sure that we sponsor special events held by the IRF such as the meeting held on February 4th. The results of the February 4th meeting we sponsored were made very clear the next day when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the launching of the International Religious Freedom Alliance (IRF Alliance).

The Chairman's Report for January 24, 2020
Christmas events held in Nigeria orphanage / Planning for food and farm / Every child at the Nigeria orphanage sent us a thank you card / Christmas for Refugees events in Jordan and the West Bank bring smiles / Christian refugees live in the shadow of great wealth in Jordan and Lebanon

Religious Freedom Coalition Signs Petition Asking for the Release of Christian Pastor from Chinese Prison
The Religious Freedom Coalition signed a petition addressed to U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft, urging her to bring the wrongful imprisonment of Pastor Wang Yi to the attention of the United Nations. Read the official letter here.

Christmas for Refugees program at Nigeria Orphanage
The Christmas program in 2019 was the third we have held at the orphanage in Nigeria. Just as was done for Christmas in 2017 all the children received shoes again in 2019. The day long Christmas celebration included puppet shows and each age group performed in a celebration of the birth of Jesus.

The Chairman's Report for January 6, 2020
Demonstrations in Lebanon and strikes in Paris hamper Christmas programs / Some children attending were raised as Muslim but now confess Jesus
New: Visits to some of the first Christmas programs in Lebanon in 2019 / Iraq Christmas programs remind children of Jesus’ love for them / Watch the next issue of the Chairman’s Report for Jordan and the West Bank

Christmas for Refugees 2019 held amidst strikes and demonstrations
Although nationwide demonstrations shut down streets in Lebanon, every event was still able to be held. The Christmas events were a blessing to the children who attended and a blessing for Nancy and me to participate in.

Christmas for Refugees in Iraq: WATCH
William J. Murray reports from Qaraqosh, Iraq… an area that was destroyed by the Islamic State because of the Christian presence in the town. Watch this video to see how our Christmas for Refugees events help encourage Christians in areas like this!

Christmas for Refugees in Lebanon: WATCH
Bill and Nancy Murray report from Lebanon to share an update for the 2019 Christmas programs that are underway!

The Chairman's Report for December 2, 2019
Christmas programs have started in Lebanon … Jordan and Iraq are next / How we did in 2019 - Camp Gilead in Jordan received updated equipment / Diapers for Refugees expanded to include many elderly and special needs adults / Nigerian orphanage farm a success / West Bank programs expand!

Nigeria – Much accomplished in a very dangerous situation
Our biggest success of the year was the creation of a farm for the children to grow their own food. In July enough funds had been raised to make a commitment to provide protein for the rest of the year. These projects at the orphanage were in addition to the wells and water tower we had already paid for.

The Chairman's Report for November 15, 2019
Christmas for Refugees continues to expand in West Bank and Syria.
/ Christmas matching gift program better than expected! / Final harvest of the year at Nigerian orphanage farm. A huge success! / Our Kurdish “allies” pelt our departing troops with rotten fruit.

Demonstrations in Iraq and Lebanon endanger Christmas programs
Just in October, more than 250 Iraqis have died in protests aimed at forcing the entire government to resign. So far most of the protests have been in Baghdad and the southern parts of Iraq and not in the areas where we serve in the north. What does this mean for Christmas for Refugees events?

The Kurdish Crisis?
The city of Manjib in northeastern Syria has become a focal point for those who have attacked President Trump for pulling American troops from Syria. William J. Murray calls attention to the truths of what Christians are facing in Kurdish controlled areas.

The Chairman's Report for October 11, 2019
Murders of Christians in Nigeria increase / Our efforts with orphans continue / Christmas for Refugees matching gift fund will double gifts to program! / Changes in the Diapers for Refugees program / Special needs overwhelming / Why do so many youth and young adults in Iraq need adult diapers?

Shocking Need in Iraq For Special Needs Diapers Even For Young People
Why is there such a horrific need for adult special needs diapers in Iraq? I am beginning to understand the cause and it is not going to go away. Many of those born with neurological problems have high levels of uranium and thorium in their bodies. A lot of the ammunition we used in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan was made out of depleted uranium.

Nigeria: Murders of Christians Continue
The slaughter of Christians continues in Nigeria while Western leaders and Western media say nothing. Most are not even reported in the media in Nigeria. A Bright Spot: The orphanage children harvest corn.

Nigerian Farm Update
Just a few short months ago we invested just $7,000 to rent about five acres of land and buy seed, fertilizers and hand tools for the orphanage children to start their own farm. But the farm is a lot more than the food it is producing. The orphaned children are learning farming skills and reliance on themselves rather than on charity.

The Chairman's Report for September 13, 2019
Stories of adults with special needs who are helped by Diapers for Refugees / Christmas for Refugees and Diapers for Refugees problems in December / Christmas in the Holy Land for Christian children again this year? / Hope and hate in Nigeria: Our farm prospers, but more Christians murdered

Remembering 911
Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Holy Land Christmas
"I have seen the Christian civilization of the “West Bank” collapse and be replaced by those who hate Christians and work to steal what is left of their land. No matter what, we must continue the Christmas program in the “West Bank” which includes Bethlehem."

The Chairman's Report for August 23, 2019
First crop at orphanage farm … Children now have Irish potatoes! / Orphanage children receive reward for their work and gain experience / Christmas for Refugees: How many children will celebrate Christmas? / Diapers for Refugees program faces September and December deadlines

First Crops Harvested at Nigerian Orphanage Farm
Bag after bag of Irish potatoes have been harvested from the orphanage farm we sponsor. Every dime of the money was worth it!

The Chairman's Report for August 9, 2019
Our farm for orphanage in Nigeria preparing to yield first crop / No longer just plain gruel for children at the orphanage – We supply protein / Our forum with Boko Haram survivor a success in Washington / What was the real impact of the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom?

Our Event at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
On the first day of the multi-day event, the Religious Freedom Coalition, in conjunction with the Africa Conference of Christians, held an event featuring the sole survivor of a Sunni Muslim Boko Haram attack. Read about Ike and the rest of our event here.

The Story of Esther
Esther was among many survivors of religious persecution that the State Department brought to Washington, DC for the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Here is a fact: More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria every year than all other killings based on religion in the entire world.

A Sole Survivor of a Boko Haram Attack Shares His Story
The Religious Freedom Coalition held an event during the multi-day Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C. The feature speaker at our event, Ike, is a sole survivor of a Boko Haram attack in Nigeria.

The Chairman's Report for July 12, 2019
Day by day description of an eight-day mission to the Middle East / Summer Camp improvements in Jordan for Christian youth / Day care center air conditioners installed and working well for children / Diaper program in Iraq well, but more adult diapers needed for infirm

Air Conditioning Units Installed in Bethlehem Day Care Center
Air conditioning units have been installed at the day care center in Bethlehem, just in time for the hot summer months. Christian children now have a cool, safe environment where they can learn more about God while their parents work.

Nigeria Orphanage Update
The generous supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition have sent sufficient funds to also allow us to purchase protein for every child in the orphanage for three meals a day for the rest of the year! The growing farm keeps the children fed and allows them to learn farming as they take on self responsibility.

Charity Navigator joins Southern Poverty Law Center in the attack against the Religious Freedom Coalition
Charity Navigator takes dishonest and misleading measures to join the Southern Poverty Law Center in shining negative light on the Religious Freedom Coalition.

The Chairman's Report for June 21, 2019
We aid day care center near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem / Christians were 86% of the population in “West Bank” – Now just 2% / Adult diaper program changing the lives of elderly in Iraq and Jordan / How did the United States ever begin supporting Sunni Muslim radicals?

Air Conditioning for Holy Land Day Care Center
A few weeks ago, I received distressing news about a day care center in Beit Sahour, a Christian area inside the Bethlehem “governate.” The day care, with 117 children age four and under, had only one of seven rooms with a working air conditioner.

Diapers for Refugees Update
I received the first request for adult diapers in 2018. Our team had been so centered on the babies and toddlers and their needs that the idea of adult diapers had never been considered. I did not think there would be a big demand for the adult diapers. I was wrong!

The Chairman's Report for May 24, 2019
Saudi Arabia’s “royal” family exposes its evil heart to the world / Sunni Islam is the mother of almost all terror attacks against innocent people / Roof of chapel at Nigerian orphanage collapses – New farm being cleared / Making the case on Capitol Hill that Christians really do face persecution

Roof of Orphanage Chapel Collapses During Storm
Last year I visited the orphanage we support in Nigeria for Easter, and an Easter program was presented in the chapel while I was there. This year, during Easter week a powerful rain and wind storm completely destroyed the roof of the chapel.

Incredibly Evil Heart of Saudi Arabia
A young Saudi man was about to board a plane to America to pursue his education at the University of West Michigan when he was arrested, beaten for years, and recently beheaded. His crime? Favor of democracy. In this article, William J. Murray sheds light on the hard truth of Saudi terror that many have tried to keep under wraps for so long.

The Chairman's Report for April 26, 2019
Working on Capitol Hill to expose the murders of Christians in Nigeria / Senator Rand Paul will quote me in his new book on socialism / Food for Nigeria orphanage – Helping start a farm to feed themselves / Diapers for Refugees – More adult diapers for special needs elderly

A Farm for the Orphans in Nigeria
I received a proposal from the camp director to help rent two hectares of land and obtain supplies for a small farm for the older children to plant and grow some of their own food. A farm of this size cannot feed the 87 children that are currently in the orphanage. But the farm will do more than supply some of the needed food.

The Chairman's Report for April 1, 2019
Can we stop Amazon’s support of Islamic organizations that promote hate? / Southern Poverty Law Center now has half a billion dollars in assets! / The liberal elites corrupted our society … Now they want to censor us. / Diaper program funded for April and May … Next fund transfer in June. / Nigeria orphanage: Gruel for breakfast with one egg every other day.

The Chairman's Report for March 15, 2019
In this issue of the newsletter / Results of the survey of Religious Freedom Coalition supporters / Diapers for Refugees and Christmas for Refugees top the survey / Capitol Hill / religious freedom work very important and must continue / Our Amicus brief for jailed Christian friend has been filed in Supreme Court!

Chairman's Report for October 25th, 2012
In this Chairman's Report: Ignoring the victims of terror – The day before the election, November 5th, is the third anniversary of the jihad attack by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas. Thirteen of our service members died, as well as one unborn baby. None of our service personnel were armed, making them easy targets as Hasan screamed “Allah Akbar!” and began shooting. President Barack Hussein Obama refuses to designate Hasan’s assault on Ft. Hood as terrorism even though Hasan referred to himself as a “soldier of Islam.” As a result of Obama’s refusal, the families of the dead and the injured have been refused combat compensation. Obama has no respect for those lost.